Think about how you feel when you do something nice for someone. How does it make you feel to know that you have helped someone? Imagine if everyone was able to help others in some way every day. What if you could use the tools already at your disposal to go above and beyond our everyday acts of kindness, perhaps even to help others worldwide?
Think about how you would feel if you could help people in need, no matter where they were. How would you use this power? Would you help someone in need if it meant risking your own safety? Would you help someone who was struggling just to pay their bills? Would you help someone get access to water who might not have it now?
There are lots of ways to help others in need all around the world right now, and many of them you can do without even leaving home. Check these ideas out and see if any of them are a fit for you.
If you're looking for a way to have an impact on the world, volunteering is a great option. Not only will you be helping others, but volunteering will give you the opportunity to do something that matters to you. There are countless ways to volunteer and many different organizations to choose from, each with its own benefits. In addition, you can choose between volunteering in your local community or around the world. A great place to start your search for a volunteering opportunity is on the Red Cross website, which has information about different ways to get involved around the world and some of the projects available.
Examples of volunteer projects include:
- Helping at an animal shelter or homeless shelter
- Teaching children
- Preparing or serving food at a soup kitchen
- Building homes
- Organizing donations at food banks
- Creating care packages
- Reading to seniors
- And more!
Choosing the right volunteering project isn't always easy. It's tough when you know little about the person or organization you're applying to. Sign up for newsletters, contact organizations through their websites and learn more about what they do to get the right opportunity for you.
Although it's cliche - I hear Gandhi's voice ringing in my ears when I think about volunteering, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
Volunteering is more than just a good deed; it's a great way to connect with others and allows you to learn about different cultures and people. You get to see people in a new light, giving you a chance to learn about solutions to problems you may not have known existed before. In short, completing volunteer work is one of the most amazing ways to contribute to world peace and prosperity.
If you ask 10 people what they would choose as their charitable donation, you will get 10 different answers. Now, try and determine which of these 10 people are actually using their charitable donations in the most effective way. You can easily donate to one of hundreds of charities, but how do you pick? It's tough to know which ones really make a difference.
Choosing the right charity can be as easy as reading their websites and knowing how they spend their money. Which ones best meet your needs and interests? Which provides the most bang for your buck? The difference between giving $3.00 to a soup kitchen or $30.00 to a cancer research foundation could be minuscule compared to the impact you could have on a specific patient or organization. See what makes the most impact for both you and the people you're helping and get into action.
In addition to donating money, you could also consider raising money for a cause. Consider starting a GoFundMe account and sharing it across your social media platforms. Educate friends and family members about your cause and ask them to donate any amount. Online crowdfunding can be a quick and effective way to raise money.
Take plastic pollution, for example. Did you know that scientists predict plastic pollution in our ocean will triple in just the next 20 years? That's as heavy as more than three million blue whales! The problem is these plastics never biodegrade – they just break down into smaller pieces of harmful plastic, causing damage to marine and bird life and entering the food chain. You can help make others' water and food supply safer by reducing plastic usage and pollution.

One of the most significant sources of plastic pollution in our oceans is plastic water bottles. The fastest and easiest way to set an example of not polluting our oceans with plastic is to find a way to get purified water without all the disposal of plastic. You can use refillable options so that you can reuse the same containers over and over. There are also significant advancements in water purification, where you can create your own pure water from the air in your very own kitchen. When others see how much money and time you save while doing such great work for the environment, they may follow suit, and your efforts will multiply.
In this day and age, there are countless ways to help others. Through finding volunteer work, donating or raising money and setting an example for others, your help can make a big impact. You'll not only feel good about yourself, but you'll empower others to live better lives and join the change.